North Shore Hypnosis

Utilizing Hypnosis to Overcome Premature Ejaculation: A Mindful Approach

North Shore Hypnosis - Overcome Premature Ejaculation - Amesbury, MA

Utilizing Hypnosis to Overcome Premature Ejaculation: A Mindful Approach


Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual dysfunction affecting many men worldwide. It can lead to dissatisfaction in sexual relationships, decreased self-esteem, and anxiety, impacting the quality of life of both the individual and their partner (Serefoglu, et al., 2014). Various treatments have been explored, including medication, psychological therapies, and behavioral techniques. Among these, hypnosis has emerged as a promising option. This blog post will discuss the benefits of using hypnosis to address premature ejaculation and how it works, citing relevant research and expert opinions.

Understanding Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is the inability to control ejaculation, leading to climax occurring sooner than desired, often within a minute of penetration or even before penetration during sexual activity (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Factors contributing to PE can be psychological, such as stress, anxiety, relationship issues, or physiological, like hormonal imbalances, neurological disorders, or genetic predisposition (Porst, et al., 2007).

The Power of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that guides a person into a deep state of relaxation and focused attention, where they become more open to suggestions (Hammond, 2010). This altered state of consciousness can facilitate changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, which makes it an effective tool for addressing various issues, including anxiety, pain management, and smoking cessation (Hammond, 2010).

Hypnosis and Premature Ejaculation

A growing body of research suggests that hypnosis can effectively treat premature ejaculation. In a study conducted by Shafik et al. (1992), 46 men with PE were treated with hypnosis, focusing on ego-strengthening, visualization, and relaxation. After six months, 90.2% of participants reported improved ejaculation control, while 9.8% reported no change. Another study by de Carufel and Trudel (2006) found that hypnotherapy combined with a cognitive-behavioral program significantly improved sexual functioning in men with PE.

The success of hypnosis in treating PE lies in its ability to address the psychological factors contributing to the condition. Many men with PE experience performance anxiety and negative thought patterns that exacerbate the issue (Althof, 2006). Hypnosis can help individuals develop better-coping strategies, foster relaxation, and promote a more positive mindset during sexual encounters (Hammond, 2010).

How Hypnosis Works for Premature Ejaculation

  • Reducing Anxiety and Stress

Performance anxiety and stress are common factors that can lead to premature ejaculation (Althof, 2006). Hypnosis helps individuals enter a deep state of relaxation, reducing anxiety and stress levels (Hammond, 2010). By learning to relax during sexual encounters, men can better control their arousal and delay ejaculation (de Carufel & Trudel, 2006).

  • Enhancing Self-esteem and Confidence

Negative self-perceptions and low self-esteem can contribute to premature ejaculation (Althof, 2006). Hypnosis can help individuals develop a more positive self-image and improve self-esteem through ego-strengthening techniques (Hammond, 2010). As a result, men can feel more confident and in control during sexual encounters, reducing the likelihood of PE.

  • Changing Negative Thought Patterns

Men with PE often engage in negative thought patterns perpetuating the problem (Althof, 2006). Hypnosis can help individuals identify and change these thoughts by replacing them with positive, self-affirming beliefs (Hammond, 2010). This can lead to a healthier mindset and improved sexual performance.

  • Developing Better Coping Strategies

Hypnosis can also teach individuals more effective coping strategies to manage their emotions and arousal during sexual encounters (Hammond, 2010). By learning to focus on the present moment, men can develop mindfulness skills that can help them better control their arousal and delay ejaculation (de Carufel & Trudel, 2006).

  • Visualization Techniques

Visualization is a powerful tool used in hypnosis to facilitate change (Hammond, 2010). Men with PE can use visualization techniques to mentally rehearse successful sexual encounters, focusing on maintaining control over their arousal and ejaculation. This mental rehearsal can help build confidence and improve sexual performance in real-life situations.


Hypnosis offers a promising, non-pharmacological approach to addressing premature ejaculation. By targeting the psychological factors contributing to the condition, hypnosis can help individuals reduce anxiety, enhance self-esteem, change negative thought patterns, develop better coping strategies, and use visualization techniques to improve sexual performance. While further research is needed to understand hypnosis’s mechanisms and long-term effects on PE fully, current evidence suggests that it can be an effective and safe treatment option for many men.


Althof, S. E. (2006). Psychological approaches to the treatment of rapid ejaculation. Journal of Men’s Health & Gender, 3(2), 180-186.

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

de Carufel, F., & Trudel, G. (2006). Effects of a new functional-sexological treatment for premature ejaculation. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 32(2), 97-114.

Hammond, D. C. (2010). Hypnosis in the treatment of anxiety- and stress-related disorders. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 10(2), 263-273.

Porst, H., Montorsi, F., Rosen, R. C., Gaynor, L., Grupe, S., & Alexander, J. (2007). The Premature Ejaculation Prevalence and Attitudes (PEPA) survey: prevalence, comorbidities, and professional help-seeking. European Urology, 51(3), 816-823.

Serefoglu, E. C., McMahon, C. G., Waldinger, M. D., Althof, S. E., Shindel, A., Adaikan, G., … & Torres, L. O. (2014). An evidence-based unified definition of lifelong and acquired premature ejaculation: report of the Second International Society for Sexual Medicine Ad Hoc Committee for the Definition of Premature Ejaculation. Sexual Medicine, 2(2), 41-59.

Shafik, A., El Sibai, O., Shafik, A. A., & Shafik, I. A. (1992). Treatment of premature ejaculation by hypnosis. International Journal of Impotence Research, 4, 29-32.

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