North Shore Hypnosis

Discover Your Personalized Serenity with Hypnosis at North Shore Hypnosis

  • Regain calmness and relaxation through effective hypnotherapy.
  • Boost your vitality and stamina with customized sessions.
  • Enhance mental clarity and focus through targeted hypnosis.
  • Cultivate patience and reduce irritability with our techniques.
  • Alleviate physical tension and muscle aches with hypnosis.
  • Experience improved sleep quality and restful nights.

Client-Centered Hypnosis for Stress and Anxiety Relief

In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety can overwhelm your life. At North Shore Hypnosis in Amesbury, MA, we offer a unique approach to stress and anxiety relief through personalized hypnosis. Our client-centered practice is dedicated to understanding your unique journey, creating tailored hypnosis programs to address your specific challenges.”

At North Shore Hypnosis, we believe in a partnership approach to wellness.  Our expert hypnotists craft individualized hypnosis programs that empower you to manage stress and anxiety effectively.  Through a collaborative process, we’ll design strategies that foster lasting tranquility and resilience.

What’s Included in Your Personalized Program?

  • The power to unlock your inner tranquility.
  • The backing of Science that shows, “hypnosis is a highly effective intervention for anxiety.”*
  • A custom crafted hypnosis program tailored to your individual needs.

Each session with us is a step towards reclaiming the peaceful life you long for.  With your goals and experiences as our guide, we’ll help you:

  • Navigate life’s pressures with newfound resilience
  • Overcome anxiety-inducing thoughts with confidence
  • Achieve a harmonious balance between mind and body

Begin Your Journey to Inner Peace

Are you ready to transform your stress into serenity?  Schedule a free 20-minute Discovery Call with North Shore Hypnosis today and start your journey towards a more relaxed, joyful you. Choose our serene Amesbury, MA office or enjoy the convenience of virtual sessions—both lead to a more centered you.

Join us at North Shore Hypnosis and experience the profound peace that comes from a program designed just for you.  Embrace the path to a more relaxed, more joyful you today.

Choose the serene ambiance of our Amesbury, MA office to embark on your journey to serenity, or opt for the convenience of virtual sessions.  Both pathways lead to the same destination: a calmer, more centered you.

As a full-time coach and healing arts practitioner, I have been on a personal and professional healing path for the majority of my adult life. I have trained in dozens of alternative therapies and experienced various forms of hypnosis. After two dual sessions with Scott and Heather, I was finally able to let go completely of an extremely toxic parental relationship that had caused immense suffering and trauma. I began noticing deep healing happening even after the first session, and after the second I was remarkably more relaxed and less armored in my body. I also began to sleep better and deeper and suddenly did not have any nightmares. I was plagued by nightmares my entire life. I am greatly looking forward to continuing my healing progress and process with more hypnosis sessions with these two! I am experiencing far beyond what I thought possible with.

– Sacha 


I just wanted to write a quick note of thanks to Scott and Heather at North Shore Hypnosis. I feel as if my life has changed fairly dramatically since my zoom call with them!

I have always had a tendency to procrastination that seems to have grown even worse now that I am retired. Generally, if something can be done later, it IS done later! This is really such a long standing conditioned pattern, that there is a part of me that has really just given up on the possibility of change.

Enter Scott and Heather! After a very detailed introduction call in which my concerns were explained to them and their process explained to me, we scheduled a treatment call. In the meantime, Scott sent me links to various resources that helped in some ways to lay the groundwork for what was to come. In engaging some of the material that he sent, I feel I was able to more strongly define exactly what it was that I wanted and what kinds of beliefs and habits would be useful to me in dealing with this issue.

We started the session with a quick explanation of what was to happen followed by what I believe they called a “dual induction” process that helped me into a state of suggestibility. I was quickly welcomed into a relaxed and aware state, just as they had explained. At no time did I ever feel as if I was not conscious of what was going on. Heather and Scott alternated in “telling” me various things and at times repeated various mantra-like sayings. All told, there wasn’t anything super surprising and the session ended with me feeling relaxed and present.

What was most noteworthy for me? I was almost immediately feeling an urge to attend to “something.” There was a subtle yet very distinct sense that I wanted to just “take care of some things.” I found myself looking at various areas and thinking to myself how easily and quickly I could set things to order in that area. I found myself moved to take action on items I would have put off, indefinitely. It is difficult to describe, but the closest I can come is that what used to feel like large and insurmountable now is clearly composed of much smaller steps, all of which are quickly and easily attended to, and all of which chip away at the larger task. I have gotten more of my basic life’s tasks done in a few days then I normally do in a few weeks. Now, when I relax, it feels like a reward for a job well done instead of a sense that I am playing hooky. This is a big deal for me!

It has been about a week, now, and this all still feels like a natural movement towards something I WANT to do, not something that is happening under the duress of will or deadline. Will it last? I do not know, but I hope so. I can say that I feel as if my beliefs have shifted in a way that feels very pleasing, even exhilirating. I feel like I am at great effect in my life. I feel as if I am moving my life circumstances instead of being moved by them.

Scott…Heather…can’t thank you guys enough, and cannot recommend you enough for those trying to overcome the inertia of their habits and conditioning!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

– Matt