North Shore Hypnosis

Using Hypnosis as a Holistic Approach for Treating Vaginismus

North Shore Hypnosis - Hypnosis for Vaginismus - Amesbury, MA

Using Hypnosis as a Holistic Approach for Treating Vaginismus


Vaginismus is a condition characterized by the involuntary contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, which results in difficulty or inability to engage in vaginal penetration. This condition can cause considerable distress and negatively impact an individual’s sexual and emotional well-being (Basson, 2018). While traditional treatment options, such as physical therapy and psychotherapy, can be effective, hypnosis has emerged as a promising holistic approach to address this problem. This blog post will explore the potential of hypnosis as a complementary therapy for vaginismus, discussing its benefits and the scientific evidence supporting its use.

Understanding Vaginismus

Vaginismus can be classified as primary, when the individual had never achieved penetration, or secondary, when the individual previously had no issues with penetration but now experiences difficulties (Crowley, Goldmeier, & Hiller, 2009). Several factors can contribute to the development of vaginismus, including physical, psychological, and social factors (Basson, 2018).

Traditional Treatment Options

Physical therapy, in the form of pelvic floor muscle exercises and vaginal dilators, is often the first line of treatment for vaginismus. This approach helps to improve muscle control and increase tolerance to penetration (Crowley, Goldmeier, & Hiller, 2009). Additionally, psychotherapy can help address any underlying psychological or emotional issues, such as anxiety or past trauma, contributing to the condition (Basson, 2018).

Hypnosis as a Complementary Therapy

Hypnosis, a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus, has been used to manage various conditions, including pain, anxiety, and sleep disorders (Hammond, 2010). In the context of vaginismus, hypnosis has been proposed as a potential complementary therapy, working alongside physical therapy and psychotherapy.

Benefits of Hypnosis for Vaginismus

  • Reducing Anxiety and Enhancing Relaxation: Hypnosis can help individuals with vaginismus achieve a state of deep relaxation, which may alleviate anxiety and stress associated with penetration (Hammond, 2010). By reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation, hypnosis can help create a more positive mindset for engaging in sexual activities (Peter, 2017).
  • Addressing Unconscious Fears and Beliefs: Hypnosis can access the subconscious mind, allowing individuals to explore and address any unconscious fears, beliefs, or traumatic experiences that may be contributing to vaginismus (Peter, 2017). By resolving these underlying issues, hypnosis may help to facilitate more effective treatment outcomes.
  • Enhancing Self-Efficacy: Hypnosis can help individuals with vaginismus develop a greater sense of control over their bodies and increase their confidence in their ability to achieve penetration (Hammond, 2010). This increased self-efficacy may promote greater success with physical therapy exercises and other treatment approaches.

Scientific Evidence Supporting Hypnosis for Vaginismus

A case report by Peter (2017) described the successful use of hypnosis in treating a woman with vaginismus who had not responded to other treatment approaches. Following a series of hypnotherapy sessions, the patient reported significant improvement in her symptoms and achieved pain-free intercourse. While this is only a single case, it highlights the potential benefits of incorporating hypnosis into a comprehensive treatment plan for vaginismus.

Practical Considerations for Using Hypnosis in Vaginismus Treatment

  • Find a Qualified Hypnotist: If you are considering hypnosis for vaginismus, it is essential to work with a qualified hypnotist with experience treating sexual health issues. You can search for certified hypnotherapists through organizations such as the National Guide of Hypnotists (NGH) or the International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy (ICBCH).
  • Integrate Hypnosis with Other Treatment Modalities: Hypnosis should be used as a complementary therapy alongside traditional treatment options, such as physical therapy and psychotherapy. A multidisciplinary approach is often the most effective way to address the complex factors contributing to vaginismus (Basson, 2018).
  • Be Patient and Persistent: Overcoming vaginismus can be a slow process, and it is vital to remain patient and persistent throughout treatment. Hypnosis may require multiple sessions to achieve lasting results, and combining it with other therapies may be necessary for optimal outcomes.


Hypnosis has shown promise as a complementary therapy for vaginismus, offering potential benefits such as reducing anxiety, addressing unconscious fears, and enhancing self-efficacy. While further research is needed to fully understand the efficacy of hypnosis in treating vaginismus, existing studies, and case reports suggest that it may be a valuable addition to a comprehensive treatment plan. By integrating hypnosis with traditional treatment approaches, individuals with vaginismus may have a greater chance of overcoming the condition and improving their sexual and emotional well-being.


Basson, R. (2018). Sexual function of women with chronic illness and cancer. Women’s Health, 14(2), 1-18. doi:10.1177/1745506518762664

Crowley, T., Goldmeier, D., & Hiller, J. (2009). Diagnosing and managing vaginismus. BMJ, 338, b2284. doi:10.1136/bmj.b2284

Hammond, D. C. (2010). Hypnosis in the treatment of anxiety- and stress-related disorders. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 10(2), 263-273. doi:10.1586/ern.09.140

Peter, L. (2017). Hypnosis in the treatment of vaginismus: A case report. Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis, 39(1), 26-34.

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