North Shore Hypnosis


What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a completely natural state of heightened awareness and increased suggestibility called “trance”, often accompanied by deep relaxation.  In hypnosis, we bypass tap into the power of the subconscious mind. You brain is an amazingly powerful tool!

Can anyone be hypnotized?

 If you can pay attention and follow directions you can be hypnotized.  In fact, you’ve probably been in a state of hypnosis already today, and will be again before the day’s over. You actually go in and out of “trance” every day!

  • Do you ever concentrate on a book, magazine, music or TV show and not hear someone speaking to you at first? Your mind was turned in a light trance.
  • When you are being creative – writing, planning, knitting, singing, painting, intensely focused on a sport – running, golf, basketball, or simply daydreaming, you are in trance! Many Olympic and professional athletes use hypnosis to be on their best game! When people are practicing “flow” related activities, they are in a trance state.
  • Have you ever been so involved in something you didn’t realize an hour or hours have gone by? That often happens with hypnosis, and is called time dilation. You were in a trance.
  • When you are an experienced driver, you often are in a driving trance where your mind is doing the well-practiced actions of driving and watching the road while your brain may be actively thinking of other things. You might miss an exit on the highway because your brain was focused elsewhere – in trance!

So you already have the ability to be hypnotized – to go into trance, and you’ve already been doing it easily and automatically. The only thing that distinguishes a naturally occurring trance state from the hypnotic trance state is that the hypnotherapist is intentionally leading you into the trance state and is able to direct the trance to create understanding and healing. Hypnosis will teach you to use trance to achieve your goal!

Is hypnosis “real”?

 Yes, hypnosis can alter sensation and perception if that is your goal – for example the experience of pain, itching, craving, or fear. Studies which measure brain activity have shown that hypnosis and hypnotic suggestions alter the way that the brain processes information. Randomized controlled clinical trials have shown that hypnosis can be an effective treatment. People often doubt whether hypnosis is real because it would be very easy to ‘fake’ a hypnotic response, and while this is true, there are also real measurable effects.

I’m a strong willed person. My brain is so busy. Can hypnosis actually work for me?

You may be skeptical. You may feel too distractible. You may even think hypnosis is only for people who are “weak-minded” or gullible. This is not the case! In fact, skeptical or strong-willed people can be the best clients because of their ability to follow direction and be more aware of the changes when they start happening. Anyone who can pay attention and follow directions can be hypnotized – as long as they want to be.

Can a hypnotist have “mind control” and make me do things I don’t want to do?

Absolutely not. You are in complete control of yourself during hypnosis, capable of making decisions and aware of your physical surroundings. Remember – just because a part of your brain is in trance, doesn’t mean the rest is turned off! Hypnosis builds on your own inner needs, goals, and desires, and you will only take in those suggestions  and act on things you truly want. No one can make you act against your morals, principles, or will. And likely you are using hypnosis to help you achieve what you truly, deeply want, so you are already well on your way!

Can I get stuck in hypnosis?

 No, you can’t get stuck.  To be honest, you may find hypnosis so pleasurable that you don’t want it to end!  You will return to your wide awake and alert state, feeling relaxed and refreshed at the end of your session. Don’t worry, we’ll give you time to be comfy and prepare to get back to daily life!

In a famous study, participants were hypnotized, and the hypnotist left the room under the pretense that there was a problem s/he has to attend to The participant was then observed. The result was that participants spontaneously woke up on their own!

How will I feel during hypnosis? Will I be unconscious or asleep?

There is no “right” or “wrong” way to feel during hypnosis. Relaxation is probably the most common, but everyone feels differently. You may feel as though your body is very heavy, or you may feel very light, almost as if you are were floating. You may find you can easily be very focused or absorbed with the experience.

No, absolutely not. In hypnosis, you hear everything that’s being said, and you’re quite aware of what’s going on around you.  Right now, as you sit at your computer, close your eyes for several seconds and then open them again.  That is very much what hypnosis feels like.  You may or may not remember consciously what was said – you are deeply relaxed after all, but your subconscious mind heard it all and it will help you make your goals happen.

Studies of brain activity have shown that the brain patterns during sleep are not present during hypnosis. Hypnosis might appear to be like sleep because suggestions of relaxation are a part of hypnosis, but, hypnotized people are in a state more similar to wakefulness! You can be in hypnosis with your eyes open or closed – it is your brain, not your eyes, that is in trance.

Should hypnosis take the place of medical treatment or mental health therapy?

No. If a medical or mental health diagnosis is involved, hypnosis should not be your only choice, however it is an excellent and powerful complementary process, to add to medical or mental therapies. We are happy to work  in partnership with you and your other health providers to help you meet your goals.

How do I start working with North Shore Hypnosis?
  1. Call us at (978) 795-7960 or email us at to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation.
  2. During the phone consultation we will learn your specific needs and answer any of your questions.  And schedule your initial session.
  3. You can decide to meet in person at our office or virtually on video stream.
  4. During your initial session, we will work with you to better understand your personal needs and goals for hypnosis.