North Shore Hypnosis


North Shore Hypnosis - Secondary Gains - Amesbury, MA

Secondary Gains: Unraveling the Hidden Benefits and Their Role in Hypnosis

Secondary gains are an often overlooked yet significant factor in the persistence of problems, illnesses, or undesired behaviors. By understanding the concept of secondary gains and their role in maintaining these issues, hypnotists can address the hidden benefits that might be holding clients back from experiencing positive change. Hypnosis is a powerful tool in this process, as it allows for direct access to the subconscious mind, where these secondary gains reside.

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North Shore Hypnosis - Sleep and stress - Amesbury, MA

How Hypnosis Can Help with Sleep Issues Related to Stress

How Hypnosis Can Improve Sleep Quality for Stress-Related Sleep Issues Stress is an unavoidable part of life and can impact almost every aspect of our well-being. One area where stress can be particularly disruptive is sleep. In this article, we’ll explore how hypnosis can help with stress-related sleep issues by reducing stress levels, promoting relaxation,

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North Shore Hypnosis - Bilateral Stimulation for anxiety and stress - Amesbury, MA

Bilateral Stimulation for Stress and Anxiety

Bilateral Stimulation for Stress and Anxiety Stress and anxiety are common mental health issues that can have a significant impact on a person’s daily life.  While many treatments are available for these conditions, some individuals may benefit from complementary therapies, such as bilateral stimulation.  This technique involves alternately stimulating both sides of the brain and

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